The Hasanuddin University Nursing Study Program (PSIK) team held a training program for PSN jumantik school children (larva monitoring monitors for school mosquito nest nesting) at SD Palleko 2 in Takalar Regency. This activity was carried out due to several factors, including the prevention of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in North Polongbangkeng Health Center focused on health education, so that jumantik cadres were formed from each school so that in the future prevention of dengue fever in schools could be carried out by cadres -Jumantik cadres that have been formed.

This training activity is one form of the actualization of Unhas PSIK lecturers which is related to one of the points of the university’s tridharma, namely community service. This activity is an effort to overcome Dengue Fever, involving 9 students (i) as larvae monitors and also responsible teachers, who came from 3 different elementary schools namely SD Malewang, SD Palleko 2 and SD Pangembang in Takalar district

The first activity carried out was, the students were first equipped with knowledge related to the breeding of larvae, and prevention of larvae development and also trained to monitor larvae in the home environment and also at school. To support the implementation of monitoring larvae, students are given PSN kit equipment where in the PSN kit there are tools such as bags, flashlights, filters, clear plastic bags, PSN sticker kits, training materials, larva observation formats these tools will later be used students to monitor larvae at home and at school.

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Furthermore, in the implementation of the jumantik in the following week, after being briefed on the monitoring of larvae, students in each school will look for places that are considered to be breeding grounds for larvae, such as toilets, puddles, used goods that can hold water, places for larvae to grow. The larvae are given light with a flashlight to see the larvae and then when the larvae are found, the larvae are put in clear plastic to see how the number of larvae are. This activity continues to be evaluated every week for 1 month starting from September 8, 2017. In order to see how the larvae progress from week to week and become an evaluation material from the school.

In addition to providing insight related to DHF, students in 3 schools were also given knowledge regarding the management of used goods into economic goods to students. This is more focused on used goods that can easily accommodate water, so this activity is also included in one form of dengue prevention. In this activity the students were given knowledge regarding how to make hydroponic pots and goods wallets by using used bottles, the students and also the school supported this activity, this was seen from the readiness of the school to collect used goods to be used as items of sale value.


At the end of the implementation, we provide each school with a jumantik organizational structure and a plan of action for the implementation of jumantik. This is so that this jumantik activity can continue every year and new cadres are formed. can be implemented and the results can be provided by the health center. In addition, stickers and leaflets related to dengue prevention were also distributed to teachers and students so that students and teachers could increase their knowledge regarding the prevention of dengue fever.

“We received a very positive response not only from the Puskesmas but also from the school and Jumantik students. We hope this program can continue and can be followed by other elementary schools.” said Nuurhidayat as the head of the training team.


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