Andalas University Visit, Padang Initiates Cooperation
The Faculty of Nursing Team of Andalas University, Padang visited F.Kep Unhas on Thursday (28/11) in the F.Kep Dean’s Room at 13.00 WITA. The visit was chaired by…
The Faculty of Nursing Team of Andalas University, Padang visited F.Kep Unhas on Thursday (28/11) in the F.Kep Dean’s Room at 13.00 WITA. The visit was chaired by…
F.Kep Unhas received a visit from Padjadjaran University (Unpad), Bandung on Monday (11/25) in the F.Kep Senate Room at 09.00 WITA. This visit was chaired by the Head…
F.Kep Unhas visited the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery, and Palliative Care King’s College London on (25/11) represented by the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs (Syahrul, S.Kep.,…
The Community Service Team of F.Kep Unhas is chaired by Sri Bintari Rahayu, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep, and consists of Dr. Erfina, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep, Dr. Suni Hariati, S.Kep.,…
The Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University, held a student exchange program for Southeast Asia called the Collaborative Health Science Exchange Program for Southeast Asia (CHEP-SEA) which will take…
F.Kep Unhas students conducted a Student Exchange Program on (06-08/11) at the National University of Malaysia. Students involved in this activity include Masters, Physiotherapy and Nursing students, namely…
Lecturers of the Faculty of Medicine attended the Post-Stroke Care and Rehabilitation Workshop at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) on (6-7/11). The lecturers involved in this activity were the…
F.Kep Unhas received a visit from (Dr. Gulzar Malik, RN., BScN., BA., MNsg., PhD., FHEA) Associate Professor & Associate Dean from the International Partnership School of Nursing &…
F.Kep Unhas held a Workshop on Evidence Practice: Implementation in Nursing Service presented by (Dr. Gulzar Malik, RN.,BScN.,BA.,MNsg.,Ph.D.,FHEA) School of Nursing & Midwifery, La Trobe University, Australia on…
F.Kep conducted FGD on Preparation of Internship Program Guidelines in order to support the improvement of Unhas Main Performance Indicator (IKU) achievement on Monday, (04/11) at Unhas Hotel…