F.Kep Unhas received a visit from Prof. Chong Mei Chan from the Department of Nursing, Universiti of Malaya, Malaysia on Tuesday, (17/12) in the F.Kep Senate Room at 09.00 WITA. The activity was attended by the Vice Dean for Partnership, Research and Innovation (Dr. Takdir Tahir) and F.Kep Lecturers
Beginning with a speech by the Vice Dean for Partnership, Research and Innovation (Dr. Takdir Tahir) warmly welcoming and not forgetting to thank Prof. Chong who was willing to attend F.Kep in conducting a sharing session “This activity is a form of Implementation of cooperation between Universiti of Malaya, Malaysia and F.Kep Unhas in the last few years, in the next few days Prof. Chong will conduct a sharing session with students and discuss follow-up potential future cooperation programs,” he explained.
On the same occasion, Prof. Chong Mei Chan said that “The opportunity for our visit here will be more about sharing experiences related to the development of Community Health Nursing in Malaysia and Makassar,” he explained.

The activity was continued with a sharing session with Prof. Chong Mei Chan regarding Public Health Nursing and Community Health Nursing, guided by moderator Dr. Nuurhidayat Djafar, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep Lecturer F.Kep Unhas attended by participants of RPL S1 Nursing students.