BSN., RN., M.Sc
Andi Fajrin joined the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Hasanuddin in 2019 as a lecturer in the Nursing Fundamental scientific group. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from Hasanuddin University and a Master's Degree in nursing from the University of Salford, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom. He is also currently become the Coordinator of Website Management, Technology Information and Public Relations and a member of the Team Director of International Class (Non-Degree program) at the Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University.
In 2019-2022, he worked as the staff of The Vice Governor of South Sulawesi Indonesia, handling COVID-19 service management, and working closely with a variety of stakeholders from government to healthcare providers.Over the past five years, Andi has actively engaged in various research and project collaborations from National to International Institutions. Some of his works have been presented and documented at several international conferences, including his research collaboration with several institutions from the Netherlands, Australia, Hong Kong, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Thailand, and the Philippines.