
S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep

I completed my undergraduate education majoring in nursing, in 2017 at the Faculty of Public Health, Indonesian Muslim University. My undergraduate research is entitled the relationship between knowledge and the level of religiosity of nursing students with Muslim spiritual nursing care. This study aims to determine students’ behaviour in applying spiritual nursing care to patients based on their level of knowledge and religiosity. This study showed that students’ level of knowledge and religiosity has no relationship to the implementation of Muslim spiritual nursing care in Indonesia. This research is not related because the behaviour regarding implementing Muslim nursing care in the learning process has not been implemented even though nursing students have good knowledge and religiosity.

I completed the master of nursing program in 2022 at the Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia. Literature research on the theme of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) aims to assess the effectiveness of CBT on the behaviour of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study showed that cognitive behavioural therapy improves patients’ self-care behaviours, including monitoring blood sugar, physical activity, and medication adherence. CBT can be done using individual or group models and by meeting directly with patients by telephone and the internet. The duration of CBT interventions is from 3 months to 1 year with 12 to 21 sessions. In addition, CBT can be performed by CBT-licensed nurses, psychiatrists, nutritionists, CBT psychologists with experience in diabetes care, doctors, and research students. Based on the findings of this systematic review, if CBT is carried out individually or in groups, with or without face-to-face meetings, and does not require too much duration, this intervention also will be effective for nurses at the community level. In addition, patients can communicate more frequently with nurses at the community level.

As a research assistant since 2021, I have been involved in research within faculties, universities, and research collaborations with foreign universities, especially in Japan. I am involved in an internal faculty research grant in 2021 which analyses the behaviour of elderly patients amid the Covid-19 pandemic who have experienced a stroke (post-stroke) from 3 months to 1 year at the community level. This study also analyses the family’s experience as a caregiver. These findings indicate that the situation during the Covid-19 pandemic limited patients and family members from accessing health services directly. Patients cannot carry routine health checks to the hospitals at the public health centre (Puskesmas). Patients have limitations in their activities outside the home, are at high risk of contracting Covid-19, and are afraid that the elderly will be exposed to Covid-19. Apart from the post-stroke elderly, families also experience limitations in reporting all patient complaints during the stroke recovery. This is influenced by the limited hours of services provided, limiting the number of visits to administering medication for one month so that families can only access health services once per month. In 2022, I was involved in an internal faculty grant research on the activities of healthy elderly patients (who can walk and communicate well) after the covid-19 pandemic. This study illustrates that the elderly only actively check their health after experiencing symptoms of illness that cannot be treated at Puskesmas.

In addition, elderly patients come to health facilities only to take a referral letter to the hospital. In the same year, I was also involved in university research that examined the effectiveness of mobile application-based self-care interventions in improving treatment adherence and self-management of pulmonary TB patients in the community. At the beginning of 2023, research was carried out to develop mobile-based applications to improve the community’s treatment adherence of pulmonary TB patients. I am also involved in research collaboration between Hasanuddin University and Yokohama City University, Japan in 2023. This study aims to investigate the health behaviour of nursing students in Japan and Indonesia regarding noncommunicable diseases and related factors: International comparisons focusing on E-Health Literacy. Based on the health behavior of nursing students and related factors in this study, these results can be used as basic information for developing a noncommunicable disease prevention program for the young adult population in Asia. I am actively involved in community service programs inside and outside the university, such as outreach and health checks for noncommunicable diseases in the university’s target areas and within Hasanuddin University. This activity was held in collaboration between Hasanuddin University and South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office in Makassar from 2022 to Present.


  • (+6282393147456)

  • Comprehensive Clinical Practice II
Research Interests

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Self-care behaviour
  • Chronic diseases
Professional Engagement/ Service

  • Lecturer at Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University (2022 - Present)
Professional Affiliations

  • Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University
Boards/ Committees


  • Orcid : 0000-0002-3080-7943
  • Scopus ID : 57759115600
Staff Handbook
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