Nur Fadilah is an Assistant Professor with a strong academic background in nursing and healthcare especially for children. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from Hasanuddin University and a Master’s Degree in nursing from Monash University, Australia.
She has done research, concentrating on issues relating to maternal and child health. Her current research focuses on the healthcare needs of parents of disabled children. Recently, She was involved in AIC-PAIR Small Rapid Grant collaborated with Monash University examined digital health inclusion for young people with disabilities in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
She has also actively participated in community service projects, educating and supporting a variety of child health-related concerns. She has coordinated and taken part in a number of community projects on child and adolescent health including: projects to prevent cyberbullying in children (this was under the Australia Awards Alumni Grant Scheme), and prevention stunting program in children. These projects collaborate with various stakeholders such as the Indonesian National Association of Child Nurses in the South Sulawesi Region, the Department of Health, Department of Education in South Sulawesi, and other universities.
- fadilah@unhas.ac.id
- Pediatric Nursing
- Health Promotion and Education
- Technology Information in Nursing
- Palliative care in Nursing
- Pediatric Nursing
- Neonatal Nursing
- Health Literacy
- Family health and Children with Disability
- Internationalization and Partnership- PIC for Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University
- Professional Practice Program for Inbound/ International Students (from 2019 until now) –Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
- Project leader Think Before type- Preventing Cyberbullying in School Children 2019-2022
- Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
- Indonesian Pediatric Nurse Association (IPNA)
- Indonesian National Nurses Association (INNA): DPK UNHAS
- Australian Alumni Association (IKAMA) chapter South Sulawesi.
- Refer to: Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?user=IOJPO6YAAAAJ&hl=en