Aulia Insani Latif is an Assistant Professor with a strong academic and research background in nursing and healthcare especially for Medical Surgical Nursing Department. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar and a Master’s Degree in nursing from Hasanuddin University.
She has done research, concentrating on issues relating to Medical Surgical Nursing. Her current research focuses on the healthcare needs patients with cronic and infectious disease. She has received 2 research grants from the Ministry of Education related to chronic diseases and infectious diseases. She has also contributed significantly to scholarly discourse through her authored articles, which have been featured in esteemed journals, exploring topics ranging from infectious disease and cronic disease.
She has also actively participated in community service projects, educating and supporting tuberculosis and HIV AIDS patiens. She has coordinated and taken part in a number of community projects on to prevent tuberculosis and HIV AIDS. These projects collaborate with various stakeholders such as Department of Health, Department of Education in South Sulawesi, and other universities.
- auliail@unhas.ac.id