Nurlaila Fitrianti

S.Kep., M.Kep., Ns.Sp.Kep.J

Nurlaila Fitriani joined the Faculty of Nursing at Universitas Hasanuddin in 2022, assuming a teaching role within the Mental Health Nursing science group. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree and Professional in Nursing from Alauddin Islamic State University, Makassar, as well as a Master’s Degree in Mental Health Nursing from Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java. As an Assistant Professor, Nurlaila has a strong academic foundation in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing. She brings over 5 years of comprehensive research experience to her role. Nurlaila has been at the forefront of various research endeavors concentrated on mental health, notably encompassing family psychoeducation, psychosocial therapy, and the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psychosocial well-being of students. She has also contributed significantly to scholarly discourse through her authored articles, which have been featured in esteemed journals, exploring topics ranging from substance addiction treatment and psychosocial well-being to the intricate relationship between the internet and child abuse. Beyond her academic pursuits, Nurlaila has actively engaged with the community by establishing continuous documentation systems for psychiatric care and delivering valuable psychoeducation to families coping with individuals affected by mental disorders. Her exceptional academic achievements and unwavering commitment to both research and community service firmly establish Nurlaila Fitriani as a prominent and influential figure within the realm of psychiatric nursing at Hasanuddin University.



  • Psychosocial and Culture in Nursing
  • Mental health nursing and psychosocial
  • Communication in nursing
  • Psychiatric nursing
  • Disaster nursing
  • Comprehensive Clinical Practice I
  • Comprehensive Clinical Practice II
  • Fundamentals of Nursing for Professional Practice
  • Mental Health Nursing for Professional Practice
Research Interests

  • Psychosocial Intervention
  • Family support for mental health patient
  • Stigma and perception
  • Development and evaluation of psychosocial program
  • Prevention and crisis management of mental health
  • Nurse behavior in preventive measures implementation
Professional Engagement/ Service

  • Head of the psychiatric nursing scientific section of the faculty of nursing Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia (2022-present)
Professional Affiliations

  • Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University
Boards/ Committees

  • Indonesian National Nurse Association, member (2012 - present)
  • Indonesian Mental Health Nurses Association, member (2020-present)

Staff Handbook
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