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S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep

Sri Bintari Rahayu is a dedicated and motivated nurse intern with a passion for patient care and academic pursuits. Sri holds a Bachelor’s degree in Science of Nursing (S.Kep.,Ns.) and a Master’s degree in Nursing (M.Kep) from the Faculty of Medicine at Hasanuddin University. She completed her undergraduate studies in 2014 and continued to specialize in Medical Surgical Nursing from 2020 to 2022.

Throughout her academic journey, Sri has been an active member of various organizations, including PSMIK and the Nursing Students’ Council at Hasanuddin University. She is also affiliated with associations like NERS and the nursing faculty of the university. Her passion for social work is evident in her role as a voluntary English teacher at the Lentera Negeri Foundation, where she helps underprivileged children from marginal areas of Makassar. Additionally, she has participated in community service for tuberculosis patients, promoting healthy habits and preventing contamination.

Sri Bintari Rahayu is not only committed to patient care but also actively contributes to the nursing field through her research and publications. She has authored two papers on factors affecting the ankle brachial index in patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type II and the effectiveness of complementary therapy for such patients. Besides, she has attended various conferences, workshops, and seminars to enhance her knowledge and skills in nursing. 


  • (+6285237892124)
  • sri.bintari@unhas.ac.id

  • Maternity nursing
  • Basic concept in nursing
  • Comprehensive Clinical Practice I
  • Comprehensive Clinical Practice II
Research Interests

  • Complementary therapy
  • Mental health
  • Diabetic foot ulcer
Professional Engagement/ Service

  • Nursing staff at Hasanuddin University Hospital (2017 - 2022)
Professional Affiliations

  • Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University
Boards/ Committees


Staff Handbook
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