Yuliana Syam
Associate Professor

Dr, S.Kep, N.M.Kes

Yuliana is a proficient healthcare professional holding a doctoral degree in medicine, with a specialization in pharmacology, and a bachelor’s degree in nursing. As a Head Lecturer, she possesses adept teaching skills spanning various subjects, including essential nursing, pharmacology, and the cardiovascular system. Yuliana has undertaken significant research endeavors, notably investigating the impact of vitamin C supplementation on endothelial function in obese children and delving into honey-based therapies for breast cancer patients. Furthermore, she actively engages in community service by imparting health education, contributing to scientific publications, and authoring nursing-focused literature. Yuliana’s outstanding contributions to healthcare, research, and education have garnered her esteemed awards. Her profile underscores her unwavering commitment to advancing healthcare practices and knowledge.


  • (+6281342012733)
  • yulianasyamuh@gmail.com

  • Basic Nursing
  • Pharmacological Nursing
  • Neuropsychiatric system
  • Immune System
  • Cardiovascular System
  • Medical Surgical Nursing
  • Endocrine System
Research Interests

  • Complementary therapy
  • Pharmacologi nursing
  • Biomedical
Professional Engagement/ Service
Professional Affiliations

  • Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University
Boards/ Committees
Staff Handbook
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