Karmila Sarih is a lecturer. Karmila has an educational background in nursing. She completed her diploma III in nursing at the Nursing Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, and earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing and nurse profession at Hasanuddin University. She also holds a master’s degree in biomedical science with a concentration in physiology and a doctoral degree in public health.
Prior to becoming a lecturer, Karmila had experience working as a nurse for approximately 5 years at a community health center in South Sulawesi. There she was awarded the title of model nurse. In addition, Karmila has taught for more than 25 years at nursing schools and nursing academies managed by the private sector and the government. In the middle of 2023, Karmila has joined Hasanuddin University as a lecturer in the Community, family and gerontic nursing scientific group.
As a lecturer, Karmila is active in conducting research and community service. Karmila is very interested in doing research in the field of public health and family nursing. She has conducted significant research on the effect of giving Moringa leaves (Moringan oleifera) to pregnant and lactating women on the quality of breast milk and the development of children aged 18-23 months, which were conducted in 6 sub-districts in Jeneponto district.