Spending her undergraduate time as a university debater as well as volunteering in education for children from low-middle-income families shape her belief that minority or neglected groups are still part of society and deserve access to health care just like others. Thus, she focuses her study on marginalized communities such as refugees and people with infectious diseases (Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS) who experience stigma and discrimination. Currently, her research concentrates on the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, quality of life and cultural factors associate with that, especially among the key population like Men Sex with Men (MSM) and females living with HIV and high-risk groups like adolescents.
During five years of lecturing and working in the community, she grew interested in how culture influence health behaviour and the health paradigm of Indonesian society. She also develops research, communication, and skill to reach and work with different people from various backgrounds. Her research brought her to collaborations with NGOs that focus on HIV/AIDS issues including Yayasan Kelompok Peduli Dukungan Teman Sebaya (YPKDS-Peer Support Care Group), Ikatan Perempuan Positif Indonesia (IPPI – Indonesian Positive Women Association), and some Primary Health Care (Puskesmas) in Makassar, Indonesia.
- (+62 82116828552)
- fra_rahman@unhas.ac.id
- Concept of Community Nursing
- Aggregate of Community Nursing
- English III
- English II
- Psychosocial and Culture in Nursing
- Comprehensive Clinical Practice I
- Community, Family and Gerontological Nursing
- Quality of Life
- Infectious Diseases
- Medical Anthropology
- Health Inequalities
- South Sulawesi Province Volunteer Team for Mental and Psychosocial Support After Lombok Earthquake, NTB – Volunteer (2018)
- Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University
- Indonesian Association of Community and Family Nurse