S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes
Arnis Puspitha R has been pursuing nursing education since 2003. She completed a Bachelor of Nursing, Professional Nurse Education, and Master of Health at Hasanuddin University. Since 2010, she has worked as a lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University. She also received additional duties as Secretary of the Quality Assurance Group at the Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University. She is also active in guiding and assisting student and entrepreneurial activities, including Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) which is held regularly every year at the best campuses in Indonesia.
Arnis Puspitha R is very concerned with community empowerment activities to increase knowledge and public health status, especially women’s empowerment. She is also the founder of the Lentera Negeri Foundation, a social foundation that operates in the educational and social sectors targeting orphans and underprivileged children. Since she was a student until now, she has also been active in various community organizations.
She has produced several articles in indexed journals, both research journals and community service journals. She has also produced several intellectual property rights related to health topics, such as booklets, pocket books and industrial designs that can be utilized by the general public. Several research and community service projects are grant programs from Hasanuddin University and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, Technology and Higher Education.
In 2019, Arnis Puspitha R received the Award as Best Presenter at the Community Service Seminar organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia.
- (+6285299056256)
- arnis.puspitha@unhas.ac.id
- Community Nursing
- Family Nursing
- Gerontologic Nursing
- Fundamental Nursing Science
- Nursing Information System
- Entrepreneurship in Nursing
- Community empowerment
- Family nursing care
- Elderly care
- Support for Housewives Groups through Group Activity Therapy to Improve Community Productivity and Health Status in Parang Village, Makassar City (2023)
- Training and Empowerment of Health Cadres in Stunting Prevention in the Pangkajene Islands Regency (2023)
- Support and Empowerment of Families in Caring for the Elderly with Hypertension in Parang Village, Makassar City (2022)
- Education and Health Check-ups for the Community of Leang-Leang, Maros Regency (2022).
- Empowerment of Housewives in Sorting and Processing Household Waste in Parang Village (2021)
- Empowering Families in Caring for Tuberculosis Patients in Paccarakkang Sub-district, Makassar City (2020)
- Assistance for Elderly Posyandu in Paccerakkang Sub-District (2019)
- Founder & Advisor of Lentera Negeri Foundation (2013 – present)
- Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University
- Secretary of the Quality Assurance of the Nursing Faculty, Hasanuddin University, 2022-2026
- Vice Chairman of the Cooperation and Innovation Division of Indonesian Gerontic Nurses Association - South Sulawesi Province (IPEGERI SULSEL), 2022-2027
- Secretary of Alumni Association of the Nursing Faculty, Hasanuddin University, 2022-2026
- Secretary of the Health Development Division of MASIKA ICMI South Sulawesi, 2022-2026
- Committee Member for Health and Environmental Affairs, MD FORHATI Makassar, 2022-2027
- Committee Member for Health and Nutrition, MD KAHMI Makassar, 2021-2026
- Committee Member for Child and Women Protection, MR KAHMI Rayon UNHAS, 2020-2025
- Board Members of the Sisters Caring for the Elderly Community (KOALISIA), 2021-present
- Founder and advisor of Lentera Negeri Foundation, 2013–present
- Vice Coordinator for Organization, Institutional Affairs, and Public Relations of Association of Indonesian Nursing Education Institutions (AINEC) Regional XII Sulawesi, 2018-2022
- Committee for Organizational Affairs of Indonesian Community Health Nurse Association, South Sulawesi Province (IPKKI SULSEL), 2014-2019
- Vice Treasurer of Indonesian National Nurse Association (INNA), 2012-2017
- Member of the Indonesian Lecturers Association
Refer to:
- https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57215875636
- https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/authors/scopusanalysis/6033431
- https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=SMZ0I0wAAAAJ