Duties and Functions

The Quality Assurance and Reputation Improvement Unit (QARIU) is a cluster established by the rector with the task of conducting internal quality assurance and control at the faculty level in accordance with the regulations of Hasanuddin University Rector’s Decree Number 16/UN4.1/2022 regarding the organization and working procedures of faculties and schools at Hasanuddin University. The Quality Assurance and Reputation Enhancement Cluster is tasked with planning, implementing, controlling, and developing quality assurance and reputation enhancement in accordance with its scope of work. In carrying out its duties, the Quality Assurance and Reputation Enhancement Cluster has the following functions:

  1. Formulating academic quality and reputation policies that align with the academic quality policy of Hasanuddin University, in order to achieve the academic performance targets of the faculty and study programs.
  2. Formulating and developing academic quality standards that align with the quality standards of Hasanuddin University.
  3. Planning and implementing strategic programs to enhance the reputation and ranking at the faculty level.
  4. Developing and strengthening cooperation with national and international ranking institutions through coordination with the Hasanuddin University Reputation Enhancement Center.
  5. Implementing academic quality and management standards that align with the quality standards of Hasanuddin University.
  6. Formulating academic quality and reputation manuals that align with Hasanuddin University’s quality manual.
  7. Developing a monitoring and evaluation system for academic quality and reputation based on information systems.
  8. Implementing reputation enhancement and ranking programs at both the national and international levels.
  9. Monitoring and evaluating academic quality and reputation assurance activities.
  10. Providing written reports on monitoring and evaluation results along with recommendations to the Dean.
  11. Conducting an analysis of the follow-up to monitoring and evaluation activities.
  12. Providing recommendations for improvements to achieve the faculty and study program’s objectives.
  13. Performing other tasks assigned by the Dean.

Acting Personnel of Quality Assurance and Reputation Improvement Unit (QARIU)

  • Head : Dr. Suni Hariati, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep
  • Secretary : Arnis Puspita, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes

1. Internal Quality Assurance System Policy

The internal quality assurance system Policy (4867UN4/IT.03/2017 is a set of rules that serve as a reference for the implementation and quality practices across various pillars of organization and management in upholding the Tridharma (three main responsibilities) of Hasanuddin University. This policy serves as the foundation for the development of more operational documents below it, such as Quality Standards (21840/UN4.1/DA.05.00/2018), Quality Manual (24516/UN4.1?LK03/2018), Assurance Form (1579/UN4.1/LK04.00/2018), in the context of internal quality assurance system implementation that refers to the Hasanuddin University Academic Senate Regulation Number 4867/UN4/IT.03/2017 concerning the Internal Quality Assurance System Assurance Policy. The internal quality assurance system Policy document contains the design and implementation of the quality culture at Hasanuddin University, philosophical foundations, paradigms, and institutional principles and management, especially regarding the vision, mission, and objectives of Hasanuddin University’s educational activities.

2. Quality Standard

The Quality  Standards are criteria that indicate the expected level of performance and are used to measure and specify the quality requirements and work achievements of individuals or work units. The Quality Standards for the Faculty of Nursing at Hasanuddin University adhere to the Quality standards of Hasanuddin University. These standards include educational standards, research standards, community engagement standards, and additional higher education standards in accordance with their missions. Unhashas established 25 standards that are divided into three major categories, namely 9 (nine) National Higher Education Standards, 8 (eight) National Research Standards, and 8 (eight) National Community Service Standards. Faculties and study programs implement the established standards in all their activities. In implementing these standards, faculties and schools carry out routine and continuous monitoring and evaluation activities.

3. Quality Manual

The quality Manual is a written document that contains practical guidance on how to run or implementing internal quality assurance system . This quality Manual book/document serves as a guide for decision-makers within the scope of SPMI, as well as for faculty and educational staff in implementing quality Standards, in accordance with their respective standard authorities established by the Higher Education Standards (SN-PT Dikti) referring to DIKTI Standards. This manual applies to all standards at the time the standards are designed, formulated, and established. The scope of implementation covers the aspects of Determination, Implementation, Evaluation (implementation), Control (implementation), and Improvement of internal quality assurance system  (PPEPP).

4. Quality Form

The QUALITY Forms contain the necessary forms and templates for each quality standard as guidelines for the steps in performing tasks and documenting the execution of tasks/activities.

5. Standard Operational Procedure

List SOP 

Article 5 paragraph (1) Permenristekdikti No. 62 of 2016 concerning SPM Dikti states that  SPMI has a cycle of activities consisting of: Determination of Higher Education Standards, Implementation of Higher Education Standards; Evaluation of the implementation of Higher Education Standards, Control of the implementation of Higher Education Standards; and Improving Higher Education Standards. The evaluation as intended in the paragraph is carried out through an Internal Quality Audit.

Quality Audit is a systematic and independent test to ensure that the effective implementation of PT activities is in accordance with the plan and the results are in accordance with standards to achieve the goals of the institution/PT as well as opportunities for improvement. This audit aims to:

  1. Determine suitability or nonconformity.
  2. Evaluate the system’s ability to meet regulatory/legislative requirements and other relevant requirements (if any)
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of system implementation.
  4. Identify improvement opportunities.

Internal Quality Audits are carried out by Unhas periodically (per year) and online via https://spmi.unhas.ac.id/

AMI Faculty of Nursing results

a. Diploma in Nursing

 2021 2022
2023 2024

b. Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) 

2021 2022
2023 2024

c.Professional Nurse (PN)

 2021  2022
 2023 2024

d. Bachelor of Physiotherapy

2021 2022
2023 2024

e. Physio Profession

2021 2022
2023 2024

f. Master of Nursing (MN)

2021 2022
2023 2024

g. Advanced Surgical Nursing Specialist

2021 2022
2023 2024
  1. ISO 9001: 2015 is a quality management standard issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) which includes several requirements and conditions that must be fulfilled by companies / organizations in establishing a quality management system. In order to maintain this commitment, Hasanuddin University continues to standardize product quality from year to year referring to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 9001:2015 audits are carried out:
    1. External audit
      External audits are carried out once a year from PT SAI GLOBAL
    2. Internal audit
      Internal audits are carried out twice a year by certified internal auditors

  2. 1. ISO 9001;2015 Certificate (2019-2022)

    2. ISO Certificate for 2022 – 2025

1. Akreditasi Universitas

Alamat Kampus Unhas – Tamalanrea  Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM.10 Makassar Sulawesi Selatan.
Homepage dan E-Mail http://www.unhas.ac.id
No.dan Tgl. SK Pendirian Institusi Peraturan Pemerintah PP-RI No.23 Th.1956, Lembar Negara LN-RI No 39 Th.1956
Status Akreditasi


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2. Akreditasi Program Studi Nasional

No Jenis Program Prodi Akreditasi Link Download sertifikat akreditasi
Status/peringkat No. SK Tgl kadaluarsa Akreditasi Nasional
1 Diploma Diploma III Keperawatan Baik Sekali 0175 / LAM-PTKes/Akr /Dip /ttr / 2023 10 Maret 2028 LAM-PTKes Klik Disini
2 Sarjana S1 Keperawatan Unggul 0315/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/V/2024 29 Mei 2029 LAM-PTKes Klik Disini
3 Sarjana S1 Fisioterapi Unggul 0274/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/IV/2023 13 April 2028 LAM-PTKes Klik Disini
4 Profesi Profesi Ners Unggul 0316/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Pro/V/2024 29 Mei 2029 LAM-PTKes Klik Disini
5 Profesi Profesi Fisioterapi Unggul 0275/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Pro/IV/2023 13 April 2028 LAM-PTKes Klik Disini
6 Magister Magister Keperawatan A 0712/ LAM-PTKes/Akr/Mag/XII/2019 27 Desember 2024 LAM-PTKes Klik Disini
7 Spesialis Spesialis Keperawatan Medikal Bedah Akreditasi Minimum 0017/ LAM-PTKes/Akr PSB. PTN-BH / Spe/V/ 2023  26 Mei 2025 LAM-PTKes Klik Disini

3. Akreditasi Internasional



Jenis Program



Link Download Sertifikat
Status/peringkat No. SK Tgl kadaluarsa

Akreditasi Internasional


Bachelor of Science and Nursing / Profesional Nurse BSN – PN Full Accreditation 19 October 2025 ASIIN Klik Disini


Master of Nursing MN Full Accreditation 19 October 2025 ASIIN Klik Disini


A customer satisfaction level survey is an action carried out by a company to find out how satisfied customers are with the products and services provided by the company. Customer satisfaction surveys are conducted twice a year in accordance with the quality targets of the UNHAS Faculty of Nursing and UNHAS Quality Targets in general. In these terms, customer satisfaction must be measured by all internal and external customers, namely students, lecturers, educational staff, graduate users, collaboration partners and alumni. The components of the customer satisfaction instrument are:

  1. Students (management, service and learning),
  2. Lecturer (management, research, and PkM),
  3. Educational staff (management),
  4. Graduates / alumni (management, learning, competency),
  5. Graduate users (management and competency),
  6. Collaboration partners (management, learning, research, PkM)


The stages of the customer satisfaction survey applied at the UNHAS Faculty of Nursing are:

  1. Using the instruments used are valid, reliable and easy to understand and easy to access
  2. Determining the estimated sample size according to the existing population
  3. Socialization of customer satisfaction survey instruments
  4. Analysis of customer satisfaction survey results
  5. Feedback
  6. Management Review Meeting
  7. Monitoring and Evaluation Results of follow-up feedback


The instruments were prepared through a literature search and critical review and through a preparation process that complies with standards to meet validity and reliability. The content validity values ​​of the instrument with the I-CVI and S-CVI range values ​​are as follows

No Instrument Type Nilai I-CVI (min-max) S-CVI/ave value
1 Student Satisfaction 0.83 – 1 0.99
2 Lecturer Satisfaction 0.83 – 1 0.99
3 Satisfaction of educational staff 1 1
4 Alumni Satisfaction 0.83 – 1 0.99
5 Graduate user satisfaction 1 1
6 Collaboration partner satisfaction 0.83 – 1 0.98
7 Understanding VMTS 1 1



The results of the customer satisfaction survey at the UNHAS Faculty of Nursing were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the percentage distribution was described, Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Important Performance Analysis (IPA) analysis, apart from that, respondents’ input in the form of sentences would be analyzed by grouping the same meanings. will then be quantified.

The maximum CSI value is 100%. A CSI value of 50% or lower indicates poor service performance. A CSI value of 76% or higher indicates that customers are satisfied with service performance. CSI results will be categorized according to the criteria in Table 1.

No CSI Value Category
1 0% – 34.9% Not satisfied
2 35.0% – 50.9% Less satisfied
3 51.0% – 65.9% Quite satisfied
4 66.0% – 80.9% satisfied
5 81.0% – 100.0% Very satisfied


Customer satisfaction

No Survey Link Year of Use
1 Student satisfaction survey https://forms.gle/x7RFjX4roALV5Nhv8 Year 2021
2 Lecturer Satisfaction Survey https://forms.gle/r9VmfoZA3k8pndKQA Year 2021
3 Educational Staff Satisfaction Survey https://forms.gle/tuT1fHSSNzk7S79D6 Year 2021
4 Alumni Satisfaction Survey https://forms.gle/TcHfpPNNEq9VAbnN6 Year 2021
5 Alumni User Satisfaction Survey https://forms.gle/W3z48jBPATwTitdB6 Year 2021
6 Collaboration Partner Satisfaction Survey English
Year 2021
7 VMTS Understanding Survey Advanced Surgical Nursing Spesialist

Master of Nursing (MN)

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Leading to Professional Nurse (BSN-PN)

Bachelor of Physiotherapy – Physio Profession

Diploma in Nursing

Year 2021
8 Study Program Learning Evaluation Survey https://forms.gle/fk5tTDHtVZGhMnFB7 Year 2021
9 Community satisfaction survey of participants in Community Service activities https://forms.gle/vMyvSnLbCiXSvpPC8 Year 2021
10 Lecturer/tendik training/workshop satisfaction survey Year 2021
11 Actual workload measurement survey Master of Nursing (MN)

Bachelor of Nursing Study Program

Professional Nurse

Year 2021
12 Survey the interest of prospective students https://forms.gle/W5zfKuEH4W3nY7ej8 Year 2021