The Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal (ICON Journal) has established itself as a leading publication in the field of nursing, offering a dynamic platform for researchers, practitioners, and scholars to share their latest findings and insights. As the journal continues to grow in prominence, it remains dedicated to advancing the nursing profession by fostering the exchange of knowledge and innovation. By submitting to ICON Journal, contributors not only gain the opportunity to reach a global audience but also contribute to the ongoing development of contemporary nursing practices.
Submissions Overview:
- Total Submissions Received: 211 (average of 28 per year)
- Total Submissions Accepted: 73 (average of 12 per year)
- Total Submissions Declined: 107 (average of 21 per year)
Editorial Process Insights:
- Desk Rejections: Of the submissions declined, 45 were desk rejected, reflecting a desk rejection rate of 21%. This indicates a rigorous initial screening process, ensuring that only the most relevant and high-quality research proceeds to peer review.
- Rejections After Review: 62 submissions were declined after review, representing a post-review rejection rate of 29%. This highlights the critical role of peer review in maintaining the journal’s standards.
Acceptance and Rejection Rates:
- Overall Acceptance Rate: 35%
- Overall Rejection Rate: 51%
- Desk Reject Rate: 21%
- After Review Reject Rate: 29%
Publication Timelines:
- The median time to the first editorial decision is 10 days, reflecting the journal’s efficiency in the initial assessment of manuscripts.
- For accepted papers, the median time from submission to acceptance is 148 days, demonstrating a thorough and thoughtful review process.
- Rejected papers, on the other hand, received a final decision in a median of 38 days.
Publication Output:
Total Submissions Published: 70 (average of 11 per year)
This data underscores the ICON Journal’s commitment to publishing high-quality research while ensuring an efficient and transparent review process. With a balanced acceptance and rejection rate, coupled with timely editorial decisions, ICON Journal continues to be a trusted and respected venue for scholarly communication in the nursing field. Researchers are encouraged to submit their manuscripts and join the growing community of thought leaders contributing to the future of nursing.
ethics committee
Penanggung Jawab
Dr. Takdir Tahir, S .Kep., Ns., M. Kes
Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S. Kep., Ns., M. Kes
Wakil Ketua
Dr. Hastuti, S. Kep., Ns., M. Kes
Septiana Nur Hazimah M., S. Pi
No |
Name |
Scientific Field |
1 |
Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S. Kep., Ns., M. Kes |
Pediatric Nursing |
2 |
Dr. Hastuti, S.Kep., Ns., M. Kes |
Psychiatric Nursing |
3 |
Hapsah, S. Kep., Ns ., M. Kep |
Psychiatric Nursing |
4 |
Prof. Dr. Elly Liliana Sjattar, S. Kp., M. Kes |
Medical Surgical Nursing |
5 |
Dr. Takdir Tahir, S .Kep., Ns., M. Kes |
Medical Surgical Nursing |
6 |
Dr. Yuliana Syam, S. Kpe., Ns., M. Si |
Basic Nursing |
7 |
Dr. Erfina, S. Kep., Ns., M. kep |
Maternity Nursing |
8 |
Dr. Nuurhidayat Jafar, S. Kep., Ns., M. Kep |
Community, Family, and Gerontic Nursing |
9 |
Syahrul, S. Kep., Ns., M. Kep., Sp.Kep.MB |
Emergency and Critical Care Nursing |
10 |
Rini Rachmawaty, S. Kep., Ns., MN., Ph.D |
Nursing Management |
11 |
Dr. Andi Rizky Arbaim A. Hasyar, S. Ft., Physio |
Cardiovasculopulmonary Physiotherapy |
12 |
Dr. Meutiah Mutmainnah Abdullah, S. Ft., Physio., M.Kes |
Neurology Physiotherapy |
13 |
Fardhillah Hanifah, S. S |
Lay Person |
List of Publication Data of the Faculty of Nursing
No | Inventor | Nomor | Judul | Jenis | Tanggal/Tahun | Link HaKi |
TAHUN 2020 | ||||||
1. | Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.,Ph.D.; Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes.; Syanti Dewi Tamher, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep | EC00202002473 | Instrumen Sensus Harian Terintegrasi (SERASI) SNARS 2018 Di Ruang Rawat Inap | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 20 Januari 2020 | open?id=1RP9Uj2x5gkap Hj5J0zNwdkr6ZrrgbTtH |
2. | Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.,Ph.D.; Dr. Ariyanti Saleh, S.Kp., M.Si.; Haslinda, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep | EC00202003108 | Instrumen Penilaian Patient Safety dari Perspektif Pasien | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 23 Januari 2020 | /open?id=1kiaZCQAFwI3 24t5NBD7jWbOkBIpWwS9D |
3. | Andi Masyitha Irwan, S.Kep., Ns., MAN., Ph.D. ; Dr. Elly L. Sjattar, S.Kp., M.Kes; Eli Zuraidah, S.Kep., Ns | EC00202010183 | Booklet Manajemen Perawatan Diri Gagal Jantung | Booklet | 13 Maret 2020 | pen?id=1sSh0XAp4cxxvu NDpE-t1jDqCCAidvn4u |
4. | Anggia Riske Wijayanti, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep.; Dr. Yuliana Syam, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes.; Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.,Ph.D | EC00202013235 | Instrument Fatigue/Kelelahan Intradialisis Pasien GGK di Ruang Hemodialisa | Buku Panduan /Petunjuk | 21 April 2020 | open?id=1nKjyavBwWQ W3gL2HF6nwufyNcy9I0rwP |
5. | Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.,Ph.D.; dr, Hj. Widyaningrum, Sp.PD.,M.Sc.; dr. Risma Irmawati, Sp.GK.; Hj. Harniati, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep.; Darmawati, S.Farm.,Apt.; Ika Amilah Citra Tahir, S.Farm.,Apt.; Prof. Dr. Elly Wahyudin, DEA.,Apt.; Andi Yuliana, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep | EC00202164476 | Panduan Praktek Klinis, Panduan Asuhan Keperawatan, Panduan Asuhan Farmasi, Panduan Asuhan Gizi, dan Integrated Clinical Pathways Demam Tifoid | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 15 November 2020 | open?id=1H5_Ca5IUYm9 OCenaN-wEx-uGZNGVdNjr |
6. | Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep., Ns., MN.,Ph.D.; dr. Hj. Widyaningrum, Sp.PD.,M.Sc.; Astriwiraswastati, S.Farm.,Apt.; Sitti Suryani, S.Kep.,Ns.; Ulfah Mahmudah, S.KM.; Prof. Dr. dr. Andi Wardihan Sinrang, MS,. Sp.And.; Muhammad Hisyam, S.Kep.,Ns | EC00202164685 | Panduan Praktek Klinis, Panduan Asuhan Keperawatan, Panduan Asuhan Farmasi, Panduan Asuhan Gizi, dan Integrated Clinical Pathways Dyspepsia | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 15 November 2020 | open?id=1bTYK00tLJdiY iUumrcQsK_Rt72zpN6eo
7. | Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.,Ph.D.; dr. Harry Akza Putrawan, Sp.P(K).; Nurwahidah, S.Kep.,Ns.; Ika Amilah Citra Tahir, S.Farm.,Apt.; Sri Hartati, S.Gz.; Prof. Dr. Elly Wahyudin, DEA., Apt.; Nurfariati, S.Kep.,Ns. | EC00202165672 | Panduan Praktek Klinis, Panduan Asuhan Keperawatan, Panduan Asuhan Farmasi, Panduan Asuhan Gizi, dan Integrated Clinical Pathways Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik (PPOK) | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 17 November 2020 | open?id=1zqGK4uaBhmU 4foPiqdJTenP8xZmmbLzB |
8. | Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.,Ph.D.; dr. Harry Akza Putrawan, Sp.P(K).; H. Wais, S.Kep.,Ns.; Astriwiraswastati, S.Farm.,Apt.; Andi Erniati, S.KM.; Rini Angraini, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep.; Prof. Dr. dr. Andi Wardihan Sinrang, MS, Sp.And.; Ummi Kalsum, S.Kep.,Ns. | EC00202165664 | Panduan Praktek Klinis, Panduan Asuhan Keperawatan, Panduan Asuhan Farmasi, Panduan Asuhan Gizi, dan Integrated Clinical Pathways TBC Paru | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 17 November 2020 | open?id=1KzvgoCYB-guM RlwKKyU7wAMM3cjo47OE |
9. | Patima, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep.; Dr. Syahrir A. Pasinringi, MS.; Rasdiyanah, S.Kep.,M.Kep., Ns. Sp.Kep.Kom.; Ani Auli ilmi, S.Kep.,M.Kep.,Ns. SP.Kep.Kom.; Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.,Ph.D. | EC00202070765 | Instrumen : Adaptasi Dan Translasi Kuesioner The Perception Of Interprofesional Collaboration Model Questionnaire (PINCOM-Q) Dari Versi Bahasa Inggris Ke Bahasa Indonesia | Karya Ilmiah | 23 Desember 2020 | open?id=1bvzKX_gK6h2 qT4SHENAGOVRhqIUyzIr7
10. | Dr. Andi Rizky Arbaim Hasyar, S.Ft, Physio | EC002022116615 | Direct Effects of Carbon Dioxide-rich Water Bathing on Peripheral Blood Flow | Jurnal | 30 Desember 2020 | open?id=1UthosfFRkEUl RFhaOzSffXCplHpMrRlJ
TAHUN 2021 | ||||||
11. | Hapsah, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep.; Ikar Suwito S.Kep., Ns.; Risnawati, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep.; Dr. Werna Nontji, SKp., M.Kep.; Asvirawati Amran, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep.; Jenny Latief, S.Kep., Ns. | EC00202122464 | Sistem Reward Perawat Berbasis Jenjang Karir & Kinerja Klinis | Buku | 3 Mei 2021 | open?id=1g9xC_C5T-Nu hUmRoH8Nds7wDU_oVCI7N |
12. | Hapsah, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep.; Risnawati, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep.; Dr. Werna Nontji, SKp., M.Kep | EC002021540033 | Nursing Care Plan Terintegrasi Bebasis 3S (SDKI, SLKI, SIKI) | Buku | 11 Oktober 2021 | open?id=1fBXTbrtWtQoF XPYCR8m3J_Ru5chD6vW7 |
13. | Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep., Ns., MN.,Ph.D.; dr. Harry Akza Putrawan, Sp. P(K).; Hemtan, S. Kep., Ns..; Ika Amilah Citra Tahir, S. Farm.,Apt.; Rini Ridhayanti Ashalq AMG.; dr. Agussalim Bul&ari, M. Med., Ph.D., Sp. GK(K).; Suryaningsi Dulang, S. Kep., Ns. | EC00202165666 | Panduan Praktek Klinis, Panduan Asuhan Keperawatan, Panduan Asuhan Farmasi, Panduan Asuhan Gizi, dan Integrated Clinical Pathways Pneumonia | Buku Panduan/Petunjuk | 17 November 2021 | open?id=1HRoMBRpAw_ Xwu5V5cAh9xdB0iiGpV6Z- |
14. | Rabia, S.Ft., M.Biomed.; Melda Putri, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes.; Fadilah Farhana ; Gita Safirah Nuskin; Akram Ibnu Syawal; Ferdian Rafi Rahmadi | EC00202179966 | Panduan Pencegahan Obesitas Pada Anak | Booklet | 16 Desember 2021 | open?id=1yGfvgRV_J9dd 7cw0daRSF5CkWL_B4JqT |
15. |
Irianto, S.Ft., Physio., M.Kes.; Melda Putri, S.Ft., Physio., M.Kes.; Puja Asmaul Husna.; Nurul Izzah |
EC00202179964 | Meningkatkan Quality Of Life Melalui Home Exercises Bagi Penderita Post Stroke | Karya Siaran Video | 16 Desember 2021 | open?id=1yGfvgRV_J9dd 7cw0daRSF5CkWL_B4JqT |
TAHUN 2022 | ||||||
16. |
Yery Mustari, S.Ft., Physio, MclinRehab.; Melda Putri, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes.; Andi Rahmaniar SP, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes.; Asdar Fajrin Multazam, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes |
EC00202200779 | Video Pembelajaran Manajemen Fisioterapi Pada Kasus Low Back Pain | Karya Rekaman Video | 5 Januari 2022 | open?id=158HiJbXPMYr XD6r3KqGA7uSO6FO-IdRp |
17. |
Irianto, S.Ft., Physio., M.Kes.; Melda Putri, S.Ft., Physio., M.Kes.; Puja Asmaul Husna ; Nurul Izzah |
EC00202207159 | Home Exercise Untuk Pasien Post-Stroke | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 29 Januari 2022 | open?id=19PhM4KrA9cH O_MuAO_uadHTpk8OQfYHq |
18. | Ikar Suwito, S.Kep., Ns., MARS.; Hapsah, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep.; Risna, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep | EC00202241145 | Panduan Audit Keperawatan Rumah Sakit Unhas | Buku | 1 Juli 2022 | open?id=1eaKJUBymX5A qJWawFrz9SpthRvU_xXeI |
19. | Dr. Cahyono Kaelan, Ph.D., Sp.S., Sp.PA (K).; Dr. Muhammad Ilham Arisaputra, SH., M.Kn., Hapsah, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep | EC002022411446 | Panduan Etik dan Perilaku Pegawai Rumah Sakit Unhas | Buku | 1 Juli 2022 | open?id=1NpsXWzH9u5E Tbigq1GsgqMxih7oxOIGz |
20. | Sri Sulistyawati Anton, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes., Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes., dr. Agussalim Bukhari, M.Med., Ph.D., Sp.GK(K).; Dr. dr. Aidah Juliaty A Baso, Sp.A(K)., Sp. GK.; Prof.Dr.Drg. Muh. Harun Achmad. M.Kes., Sp.KGA(K).; Ir. Anton, S.Pd., MP | EC00202242015 | Produk Nugget Rebon | Karya Tulis Lainnya | 5 Juli 2022 | open?id=1yjE14HDyWeK shXyYQq7WV7J6Fg4Stujj
21. | Sri Sulistyawati Anton, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes., Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes., dr. Agussalim Bukhari, M.Med., Ph.D., Sp.GK(K).; Dr. dr. Aidah Juliaty A Baso, Sp.A(K)., Sp. GK.; Prof.Dr.Drg. Muh. Harun Achmad. M.Kes., Sp.KGA(K).; Ir. Anton, S.Pd., MP | EC00202242082 | Produk Abon Rebon | Karya Tulis Lainnya | 5 Juli 2022 | open?id=1gA-Ksvbqd30bw 2w9yWoo1ryViX1yCNRH |
22. | Hapsah, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep.; Yassir Arafat Usman, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog dkk | EC000202244183 | Panduan Program Pendampingan Biopsikososial Spiritual (BPSS) Pegawai Rumah Sakit Unhas | Buku | 13 Juli 2022 | open?id=1-6vraOI1ZxWsF GztCEEq_bO2xnuMxf3t
23. | Irianto, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes.; St. Hasri Ainun Hakim, S.Ft.; Dian Sukma Putri, S.Ft.; Fauziah Dwi Ayu Putri, S.Ft.; Firqih Regif Andayani, S.Ft | EC00202244206 | Dasar-Dasar Dan Gerakan Warming Up, Stretching, Dan Cooling Down Olahraga Panahan, Lempar, Dan Lari Cepat | Buku | 13 Juli 2022 | file/d/1UnATn423GcwkO Hvna8BQMO_QFHzQlik4 /view?usp=sharing |
24. | Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.,Ph.D.; dr. Firdaus Hamid, S.Ked.,Ph.D.,Sp.MK.; Indra Gaffar, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep.; Andi Baso Tombong, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.ANP.; Poppy Nurul Asmaul Razak, S.Kep.,Ns.; Fatima Angraini, S.Kep.,Ns. | EC00202261793 | Video Edukasi Patient Safety pada Pasien dan Keluarga | Karya Siaran Video | 6 September 2022 | open?id=1sAqdJRIjyL-6js _sNSzn_ADPWxnjtAGs
25. | Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.,Ph.D.; dr. Rahmi Rahim, Sp.A.MARS.; Nurlailan, S.Kep.,Ns.; Samsuriadi, S.Si.,MH.,Apt.; Jumaniah, S.Tr.Gz.; Heru Praseno, S.KM.; Prof. Dr. Elly Wahyudin, DEA.,Apt.; dr. Agussalim Bukhari, M.Med.,Ph.D.,Sp.GK(K).; Andi Yuliana, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep.; Gavrila Lenny Satar, S.Kep.,Ns. | EC00202265866 | Panduan Praktik Klinis, Panduan Asuhan Keperawatan, Panduan Asuhan Farmasi, Panduan Asuhan Gizi, Dan Integrated Clinical Pathway Bronkopneumonia | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 17 September 2022 | open?id=1yXT4M-nqxsLT 8lhQEmfHNCYrQx6ocQ5L |
26. | Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.,Ph.D.; dr. Margareth Sidharta, Sp.B., M.Kes.; H. Arifuddin, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep.; Latifah Mahaya Sarifah, S.Si., Apt.; Sukianti, S.Tr.,Gz.; Prof. Dr. Elly Wahyudin, DEA., Apt.; dr. Agussalim Bukhari, M.Med.,Ph.D, Sp.GK(K).; Suryaningsi Dulang, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep.; Fatima Angraini, S.Kep.,Ns. | EC00202265868 | Panduan Praktik Klinis, Panduan Asuhan Keperawatan, Panduan Asuhan Farmasi, Panduan Asuhan Gizi, Dan Integrated Clinical Pathway Ca Mammae | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 17 September 2022 | open?id=19LrPTMPBCsx HCjvLqs1S5qJJ_p1tdpAI
27. | Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.,Ph.D.; dr. Umar Said, Sp.PD.; Sajekti Tjahja Ningrum, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep.; Rosdiana, S,Si.,Apt.; Adhita Surya Dewi, S.Gz.; Heru Praseno, S.KM.; Prof. Dr. Elly Wahyudin, DEA., Apt.; dr. Agussalim Bukhari, M.Med.,Ph.D.,Sp.GK (K).; Ummi Kalsum, S.Kep.,Ns.; Arfiani Juhran, S.Kep.,Ns | EC00202265870 | Panduan Praktik Klinis, Panduan Asuhan Keperawatan, Panduan Asuhan Farmasi, Panduan Asuhan Gizi, Dan Integrated Clinical Pathway Chronic Kidney Disease | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 17 September 2022 | open?id=1TLB5P2Azy7C 53BZrrJl7JWRpaiX2Aw4P |
28. | Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.,Ph.D.; dr. Namira Bachtiar, Sp.OG.,M.Kes.; Apt. Mohammad Akhsan Nurhady, S.Farm.,MM.; Suaida, SKM., Hj. Nur Alam, S.ST.,M.Kes.; Deny Eka Ridjayana, S.ST.; Prof. Dr. Elly Wahyudin, DEA., Apt.; dr. Agussalim Bukhari, M.Med., Ph.D., Sp.GK (K).; Nurfariati, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep | EC00202265871 | Panduan Praktik Klinis, Panduan Asuhan Keperawatan, Panduan Asuhan Farmasi, Panduan Asuhan Gizi, Dan Integrated Clinical Pathway Persalinan Normal | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 17 September 2022 | open?id=1g2KGe3Ypqm2 Q9cFrLJvJoLUSAIJyVURB |
29. | Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.,Ph.D.; dr. Umar Said, Sp.PD.; Ns. Andi Nur Inayah, S.Kep.,M.Kep.; Andi Selvi Kartini Wonsu, S.Si.,Apt.; Sukianti, S.Tr.Gz.; Deny Eka Ridjayana, S.ST.; Prof. Dr. Elly Wahyudin, DEA., Apt.; dr. Agussalim Bukhari, M.Med.,Ph.D.,Sp.GK (K).; Ummi Kalsum, S.Kep.,Ns., Poppy Nurul Asmaul Razak, S.Kep.,Ns | EC00202266319 | Panduan Praktik Klinis, Panduan Asuhan Keperawatan, Panduan Asuhan Farmasi, Panduan Asuhan Gizi, Dan Integrated Clinical Pathway Ulkus Diabetikum | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 19 September 2022 | open?id=1P90wsv9kgIros 9wsIy2xrn-Oxgk2AFQt
30. | Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes, Arnis Puspitha R, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes. Rangga Meidianto Asri, S.Si., Mpharm.Sc., Apt. | EC00202266787 | Pencegahan Stunting Sejak Dini | Booklet | 20 September 2022 | open?id=1yMu2ZF1RPQ- Nrmr8BqcHQbBGaodFBj8B |
31. | Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes, Arnis Puspitha R, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes.; Rangga Meidianto Asri, S.Si., Mpharm.Sc., Apt. | EC00202266788 | Perawatan Anggota Keluarga Hipertensi | Booklet | 20 September 2022 | open?id=1QQaF8IxSe3W t-udJZSwIOQotTrs5otqZ |
32. | Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes, Arnis Puspitha R, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes. Rangga Meidianto Asri, S.Si., M.Pharm,Sc, Apt.; Sakinah Hardiyanti, Risna | EC00202266786 | Perawatan Kejadian Ikutan Pasca Imunisasi (KIPI) Pada Anak | Buku | 20 September 2022 | open?id=1vBZFjD8CoOi bq9fEO0L8TOHBlwt8BV8O
33. | Rangga Meidianto Asri, S.Si., M.Pharm,Sc, Apt, Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes dkk | EC00202267572 | Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGA) | Booklet | 22 September 2022 | open?id=1yC7wFLoYfww qHKa8yL30tZUmthLPoTqp |
34. | Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.,Ph.D.; dr. Firdaus Hamid, S.Ked.,Ph.D.,Sp.MK.; Indra Gaffar, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep.; Andi Baso Tombong, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.ANP.; Fira Rezky Amaliah, S.Kep.; Liya Ameliya, S.Kep | EC00202294119 | Edukasi Patient Safety Pada Pasien dan Keluarga | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 24 November 2022 | open?id=1h3WJVxzpJVJ uSGsAx4pJP_TMcVZK0eeL |
35. | Muhammad Saddad Tanrewali, S,Kep.,Ns; Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.,Ph.D; Andriani, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes; Hasanuddin Nuru, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes.,Ph.D; Nurwahidah, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep; Wahyuniar, S.Kep.,Ns.; Sukmah, S.Kep.,Ns.; Fitrawati, S.Kep.,Ns.; Dewi Malaka, S.Kep.,Ns.; Muliati, S.Kep.,Ns.; Ika Kartika Endang Ariana, S.Kep. | EC002022101423 | Panduan Asuhan Keperawatan (PAK) 3S (SDKI, SIKI, SLKI) Berbasis EBP (Evidence Based Practice) | Buku | 7 Desember 2022 | open?id=1Ma0CsvlS8DC6 zqT6sVePA4Jnf06VoOxT |
TAHUN 2023 | ||||||
36. | Faiqah Nur Fadhila.; Annisa’ Rezky Ramadhina.; Fathria Azzalxa Affandy.; Firna Dwirizky Maulida.; Andi Asri Ainun.; Irianto, S.Ft., Physio., M.Kes. | EC00202311064 | Derana Healing : Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru, Bugarkan dan Sehatkan Paru | Buku | 6 Februari 2023 | file/d/1avAOCkejOPLKDL n2XHomv96hfCcZ06BK/ view?usp=sharing |
37. | Andi Rahmaniar SP, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes.; Yery Mustari, S.Ft., Physio, MclinRehab.; Melda Putri, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes.; Asdar Fajrin Multazam, S.Ft., Physio,M.Kes | EC00202311561 | Video Pembelajaran Manajemen Fisioterapi Frozen Shoulder | Karya Siaran Video | 7 Februari 2023 | open?id=1TNi7aHwcSpqz KwHfuEbNH3FmdTg8GTmj |
38. | Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S.Kep., Ns.,M.Kes.; Arnis Puspitha, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes.; Rangga Meidianto Asri, M.Pharm.Sc., Apt.; Kurnia RM; Nur Inaayah Azzahra | EC00202315027 | Cara Mencuci Tangan Yang Tepat | Booklet | 19 Februari 2023 | open?id=1APcXHL9kyuj3 YqJDoHOcuArJNDQ6gdB1 |
39. | Rangga Meidianto Asri, M.Pharm.Sc., Apt., Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes.; Arnis Puspitha, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes.; Muhammad Akram, Aliyah Sukma, Nurs Syafika, Muhammad Alif Sya’ban Mahfud, Andi Nukhaidah Nurkhasanah, Diany Elim | EC00202315028 | DAGUSIBU (Dapatkan,Gunakan, Simpan, Dan Buang Obat yang Benar) | Booklet | 19 Februari 2023 | open?id=1APcXHL9kyuj3 YqJDoHOcuArJNDQ6gdB1 |
40. | Aulia Insani Latif, Prof. Elly Lilianti Sjattar, Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika | EC00202315243 | Aplikasi Edukasi AILs TB (Application To Intervention And Learn) | Program Komputer | 20 Februari 2023 | open?id=1rYoIkRBWCqbE re42db6dM_OJPavBXpqT |
41. | Aulia Insani Latif, Elly Lilianty Sjattar, Kadek Ayu Erika | EC00202316252 | Hasil Konsensus Pencegahan Penularan | Perwajahan Karya Tulis | 23 Februari 2023 | open?id=1iOiZbg4vfilEDg IwCC6P6oyxNL51DJBI
42. | Akbar Harisa, S.Kep., Ns., PMNC.,MN.; Framita Rahman, S.Kep., Ns., M.Sc.; A. Muflihah Darwis, S.KM., M.Kes.; Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S.Kep., Ns.,M.Kes.; Dr. Meutiah Mutmainnah Abdullah, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes.; Yodang, S.Kep., Ns., M.Pall.Care.; Ilkafah, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep.; Afifah Nas, Jurana | EC00202333127 |
Modul Terapi Modalitas Rehabilitasi Stroke Berbasis Intervensi Psycho-Neuro-Muscular Method |
Modul | 6 Mei 2023 | open?id=1Y8k5e4creR7yN cnpP4OAvQXKluuYMcNi
43. | Dian Amaliah Nawir, S.Ft., Physio., M.Kes.; Yery Mustari, S.Ft., Physo., M.Clin Rehab.; Hamdiah Hambali, S.Ft. | EC00202339973 | Penggunaan Ultrasound Untuk Penurunan Nyeri Akibat Spasme Otot | Buku Saku | 31 Mei 2023 | open?id=1mEMzMDsNfzI PAiNcDer18mZrG-FoYU96
44. | Wa Ode Nur Isnah Sabriyati, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes. | EC00202347751 | Modul Mata Kuliah Keperawatan Bencana | Modul | 21 Juni 2023 | open?id=1J2ghA0RR8nt7 -JNNAv10SC8evLIRg3dI |
45. | Yery Mustari, S.Ft., Physio, MClinRehab.; Andi Sulvan Simanangi.; Tariza Resky Awaliah, S.Ft.; Gita Safira Nuskin, S.Ft.; Siska Handayani, S.Ft.; Nur Amny Islami Djaly, S.Ft.; Susneny, S.Ft | EC00202354590 | Manajemen Pencegahan Sprain Ankle | Booklet | 2 Juli 2023 | open?id=1j6inLrE9usL7k 52VGhVlemtZDDKXipEp |
46. | Wa Ode Nurmila, Rini Rachmawaty, Andi Baso Tombong | EC00202353586 | Video Role Play Nursing Handover (Timbang Terima) Pasien Di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Makassar | Karya Rekaman Video | 10 Juli 2023 | open?id=1bcw5yyuLy79ie CTvyo_Fn9qOk4C7zzcE |
47. | Irianto, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes.; Puja Asmaul Husna, S. Ft .; Dian Nurfadillah, S. Ft.; Indra Ayu Ningsih, S.Gz.; Amalia Wulan Purnama, S.Pi.; Nurul Muthmainnah Yusuf, S.E | EC00202354993 | The Taste Of Home: Balbol Ice Cream Cook Book (Resep Ice Cream Sehat Nan Bergizi Dari Ikan Bandeng) | Booklet | 13 Juli 2023 | file/d/1j7Y2FAuQk2mWq m0IH5cs2NwGtCe4KO3I/ view?usp=sharing |
48. | Irianto, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes.; Puja Asmaul Husna, S.Ft.; Andi Husnul Khatimah, S.Ft.; Aprialiyah Zakiyah Tri Saphira, S.Ft.; Mutmainnah Munir, S.Ft.; Nurul Asyfiyah Suardi, S.Ft.; Fitra Anggraeni Kusuma R, S.Ft | EC00202355034 | Exercises After Injury On Combats Sport: Consists Of Early Phase, Intermediate Phase, Advanced Phase And Return To Sport | Buku Pelajaran | 13 Juli 2023 | file/d/1hRJZdBvuJqTkuW 3eM3PJ7VnSOmHXZkn8/ view?usp=sharing |
49. | Irianto, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes.; Dian Nurfadillah, S.Ft.; Nurul Izzah, S.Ft.; Carunia Mulia Firdausy, S.Ft.; Nurul Hidayah Akhmad, S.Ft.; Farah Atsilah S, S.Ft. | EC00202355066 | Guide To Sport Injuries Of Shoulder, Knee And Ankle: The Essentials Step-By-Step Guide To Prevention, Diagnosis And Treatment | Buku Pelajaran | 13 Juli 2023 | file/d/1bTOKRC2zwcFTQ 4uQg3HmzuhLtFJiTQOG/ view?usp=sharing |
50. | dr. Andi Ariyandiy, P.hD.; dr. M.Aryadi Arsyad, M.Biomed. Sc, PhD.; Dr. Andi Rizky Arbaim Hasyar, S.Ft, Physio.; Dr. Meutiah Mutmainnah Abdullah, S.Ft, Physio M.Kes, dkk | EC00202357639 | Analisis Zona Latihan Dan Vital Sign Pada Atlet dan Non Atlet Bulu Tangkis yang Berlatih Pagi dan Malam Hari | Karya Tulis (Artikel) | 21 Juli 2023 | open?id=1rfo98FfyyNYm hYjx9s__uEsZ5HCmH35Y
51. | Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes.; Nur Fadilah, S.Kep.,Ns..MN.; Dr. dr. Sri Ramadany, M.Kes.; Deny Wahyudi.; Arjuna Ramli | EC00202358387 |
Pengabdian Masyarakat: Edukasi Healthy Lifestyle Pada Remaja Dalam Era Adaptasi New Normal Di SMK Negeri 7 Makassar |
Karya Rekaman Video
24 Juli 2023 | open?id=1Y-EcRYlxZq53 hu8oVhYUZWw7nwgRUlfj
52. | Yery Mustari, S.Ft., Physio, MClinRehab.; Dwicky Kurniasandi, S.Ft.; Fadilah Farhana, S.Ft.; Aulia Nadya Nugrah, S.Ft.; Widiarty Sulistyana Natsir, S.Ft.; Rhesky Ainun Ayuningtias B., S.Ft.; Nurhalizah Sennang, S.Ft | EC00202363204 | Program Latihan Gangguan Postur Pada Atlet Dayung | Booklet | 4 Agustus 2023 | open?id=1nujYJ1_OBMP __xO90gNdFP1oVj6Aw1Qi |
53. | Dr. Meutiah Mutmainnah Abdullah, S.Ft, Physio, M.Kes.; Dr. Andi Rizky Arbaim Hasyar, S.Ft, Physio.; Dian Amaliah Nawir, S.Ft, Physio, M.Kes.; Prof. Dr. Djohan Aras, S.Ft, Physio, M.Pd, M.Kes.; Ita Rini, S.Ft, Physio, M.Kes dkk | EC00202363202 | Kemampuan Motorik, Tingkat Stres, dan Memori Jangka Pendek pada Remaja | Modul | 4 Agustus 2023 | open?id=17PQms9_RGhN TzOBBibBaoJNj78wDVYqI |
54. |
Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes.; Nur Fadilah, ;S.Kep.,Ns..MN.; Ns. Aulia Insani Latif, M.Kep.; Nurhikmawaty Hasbiah, S.Ft, Physio., Kes.; Dr.dr. Aidah Juliaty A. Baso, Sp.A(K), Sp.GK.; Prof. Dr. drg. Harun Achmad, M.Kes.,Sp.KGA (K).; Anugrayani Bustamin., ST., MT |
EC00202390895 | Hasil Konsensus Edukasi Penvegahan Stunting | Perwajahan Karya Tulis | 9 Oktober 2023 | open?id=1kPiwLHxQzO7g cr6uA8exqmWnQw1tmvex |
55. | Hapsah, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., Isnah Ariyanti, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. dkk | EC00202383537 | Panduan Etik Dan Disiplin Profesi Perawat Dan Bidan Rumah Sakit Unhas | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 20 September 2023 | open?id=1AiWiGKthT3xRV p2Vrm1sEsIMFQMibG1v |
56. | Andi Baso Tombong | EC002023102967 | Buku Ajar Keselamatan Pasien Dalam Keperawatan: Disertai Pengaplikasian Pembelajaran Case-Method Dan Team-Based Project | Buku | 1 November 2023 | open?id=1VxrYQcY8ad-fi AbvgHOuDAIC_6ELFpBM |
57. | Supriatin, S. Kep., Ners., M. Kep, Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S. Kep., Ns., M. Kes.; Dr. Susanti Niman, M. Kep., Ns., Sp.Kep.J dkk |
Kumpulan Latihan Soal UKOM Profesi Ners | Buku | 6 November 2023 | open?id=1vdjTBm4wbOaz RXWOV-utcbun2_AGr8Cm
58. | Mugi Hartoyo, MN; Dr. Kadek Ayu Erika, S. Kep., Ns.,M. Kes; Ns. Ni Luh Kompyang Sulisnadewi, M. Kep., Sp.Kep.An. dkk | EC002023106224 | Program Bimbel UKOM PPPK Keperawatan Oktober Oleh Optimal | Kuliah | 7 November 2023 | open?id=1YYLfeouiGB8d4 MZP9QQ74PEwP18rzmqD
59. | Dr. Takdir Tahir, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes.; Yayu Mulsiani Evary, S.Si., M.Pharm.Sci., Apt | S00202311965 | Formula Krim Topikal Ekstrak Buah Naga Merah dan Proses Pembuatannya untuk Perawatan Luka | Paten Sederhana | 10 November 2023 | drive/u/0/folders/1EijacF NdyqQQMhMml3iY69YC5 d63wvFDfG2jMXIL7mU1Q I6yZC6HTXkWHCPH7h IRpUwGDItm |
60. | Prof. Dr. Elly Lilianty Sjattar, S.Kp.,M.Kes.; Ns. Saldy Yusuf. S.Kep., MHS., PhD.; Dr. Yuliana Syam, S.Kep. Ns, M.Si.; Nurhaya Nurdin, S.Kep. Ns, MN., MPH.; Abdul Majid Ns, M.Kep, SP.MB.; Andi Muhammad Fiqri, S.Kep. Ns, M.Kep | EC002023112294 | Bukan Hanya Tentang Gula: Panduan Komprehensif Diabetes Untuk Semua Usia | Buku | 15 November 2023 | open?id=1hTmWuChTH WjsIK95nV8QweHSRZIS32Vi |
61. | Dr. Nuurhidayat Jafar, S.Kep.Ns.,M.Kep.; Dr. dr Emy Huriyati, M.Kes.; Haryani, S.Kp.M.Kes. Ph.D.; Dr. Andina Setyawati, S.Kep.Ns., M.Kep.;Ainun Nisa, S.Gz. | EC002023117818 | Program Komputer : Guru Diabetes | Program Komputer | 24 November 2023 | file/d/1KqY7WrV5GyQDc EazcGXqwodrvc6V9sIo/view |
62. | Prof. Dr. Elly Lilianty Sjattar, S.Kp.,M.Kes.; Arnis Puspita R., S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes.; A. Anggriani, S.Si., M.Clin.Pharm.,Apt..; Istiana Tadjuddin, S.Psi., M.Psikolog; Yery Mustari, S.Ft., Physio, MclinRehab; Andi Rahmaniar SP., S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes; Hamisah, S.Ft., Physio, M.Biomed; Aco Tang, S.ST., SKM., M.Kes; Nurhikmawaty Hasbiah, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes | EC002023117774 | Homecare Lanjut Usia Dengan Demensia | Buku | 24 November 2023 | file/d/1d_YmEy2SyiddfY MQ5vvzgO1mY6Q6bchf/ view?usp=sharing |
63. | Irianto, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes.; Anjaswari Resti Arimbi.; Nurul Fitrah Mujahidah.; Dim Nastiar Taufik.; Bryan Mu’ad Mohammed.; Muthmainnah | EC002023120722 | Smart Skeleton: Alat Rehabilitasi Bagi Penderita Cerebral Palsy Menggunakan Metode Neurodevelopmental Therapy Dan Kontrol Servo Motor Berbasi Arduion Mega | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 29 November 2023 | file/d/1rZ9FQOj3334441X SNunhRD-nIg_yJJf6/vie w?usp=sharing |
64. |
Dr. Andi Rizky Arbaim Hasyar, S.Ft.,Phsyio; Ananda Nurfatiha Rezki; Andi Besse Ahsaniyah, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes; Andi Rahmaniar Suciani Pujiningrum, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes; Yusfina, S.Ft., Physio, M.Kes |
EC002023121836 | Booklet Pengukuran VO2Max Dengan Harvard Test | Booklet | 30 November 2023 | file/d/1WyfOV21LL5tH11 kjCdHXDJm8U7J1LqJ-/ view?usp=sharing |
65. |
Dr. Andi Arbaim Rizky Hasyar, S.Ft.,Physio; Agung Satrya Mahardika, S.Ft., Ftr; Dr. Meutiah Mutmainnah Abdullah, S.Ft., Physio., M.Kes; Andi Besse Ahsaniyah, S.Ft., Physio.,M.Kes; Salki Sadmita, S.Ft., Physio., M.Kes; Rahmadani; Annisa Tsabitah Diwantika; Nurul Maghfirah |
EC002023122227 | Booklet Pemeriksaan Ankle Brachial Index | Booklet | 1 Desember 2023 | file/d/1WDllsvQYVGbpv_ 2ebjfNwUL4aCn0OZny/ view?usp=sharing |
66. |
Nurlaila Fitriani, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.J; Prof. Dr. Ariyanti Saleh, S.Kp. M.Si.; Dr. Hastuti S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes.; Framita Rahman,S.Kep., Ns., M.Sc.; Dr. Meutiah Mutmainnah Abdullah, S.Ft., Physio., M.Kes.; Hapsah, S. Kep., Ns. M.Kep.; Andriani, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes.; Eva Febrianty.; Nur Inaayah Azzahra.; Nurazizah.; Risna |
EC002023129416 | Self Help Group Therapy | Buku Panduan/ Petunjuk | 11 Desember 2023 | file/d/1CNdX8oEJY1A-4l_dWcBYb89ojUhg5xeb /viewusp=sharing |
In celebration of The 67th Dies Natalis of Hasanuddin University, the Faculty of Nursing presents:
The 5th International Nursing and Health Science Student and Health Care Professionals (INHSP) Conference 2023
The conference brings together students, healthcare practitioners, educators, patients, patient advocates, system leaders, and policy-makers to share experiences related to research in nursing and physiotherapy worldwide to improve health outcomes. The INHSP program is designed to create a lively and dynamic exchange of ideas and practices preparing future and current healthcare providers and leaders to collaborate within and across professions. This program also transcends boundaries to transform learning, policies, and practices, toward an improved system of health and wellness for individual patients, communities, and populations. This conference is committed to preparing health care and health professionals to learn the mechanics of the research process and evidence-based practice through interactions with experienced researchers and practitioners.
The conference offer seminar and workshop which addresses contemporary issues with evidence-based solutions, while addressing the complexity of evidence-based care. A wide variety of clinical problems will be presented based on the abstracts submitted. We encourage nurses, physiotherapists, and other health professionals from clinical practice, academic and administrative settings, and nursing and health sciences students to use this forum to learn more about the incredible research activities and to stimulate further interest in future research. We cordially invite all concerned people to come to join us at our event and make it successful with your participation.
“Health Equity for All: Advancing SDGs Achievement through Collaborative Innovation”
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: 6th – 10th August 2023 (extended)
*Full-Text Submission (optional)*: 6th June – 7th August 2023
Acceptance Notification: 18th August 2023
Registration period:
Early bird Payment: 6th June – 20th July 2023 (extended)
Regular Payment: 16th July – 20th August 2023
Event Dates: Tuesday- Wednesday, 29th-30th August 2023
UNHAS Hotel & Convention, Makassar, Indonesia
- Nursing, Physiotherapy & Allied Health Sciences
- Speciality in Nursing, Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
- Global Health Nursing Transcultural Nursing
- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
- Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM)
- Health Service & Research
- Access to Health Care
- Patient Safety/ Patient-centered Care Health Service during a Pandemic
- Management of Covid-19 patients
- Healthcare System & Policy
- Health Informatics
- Psychometric Study or Scale Development in Nursing & Health Science
- Any topic related to SDGs
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc. (Rector of Hasanuddin University)
Seminar and Workshop Speakers
Prof. Masayoshi Kubo, Sc.D., PT |
Niigata University of Health and Welfare, Japan |
Prof. Aini Ahmad, BSc. Nursing., BNSc., MEd., Ph.D |
KPJ Healthcare University College, Malaysia |
Prof. Dr. Djohan Aras, S.Ft., Physio., M.Pd., M.Kes |
Hasanuddin University, Indonesia |
Andi Masyitha Irwan, S.Kep., Ns., MAN., Ph.D |
Hasanuddin University, Indonesia |
Gulzar Malik, Ph.D., MN., BScN., RN |
La Trobe University, Australia |
Mr. Moriyama Yoshifumi, HFP |
Kaikokai Healthcare Group, Japan |
Payment should be sent to:
How to register
- Complete the payment based on your preferred package (please save your payment proof)
- Complete the registration form
- Payment receipt and confirmation of participation letter will be sent to your email within 1×24 hours (office hours) by the committee
- Registration is complete
- Complete the payment based on your preferred package (please save your payment proof)
- Fill out the registration form
- Download the Abstract/ Full-text template and guideline HERE
- Read the submission guideline HERE
- Create your account at
- Complete your abstract/ full-text submission
- Payment receipt will be sent to your email within 1×24 hours (office hours) by the committee
- Please check the review process and decision of acceptance in your account
- Confirmation of participation letter will be sent to your email by the committee
- Registration is complete
- Flyer
- Event Rundown
- Abstract Book HERE
Publication Opportunities
Scopus Indexed
- Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran (JKP)
- Belitung Nursing Journal (BNJ)
SINTA indexed
- ICON Journal
The 3rd INHSP:
The 4th INHSP:
The 5th INHSP:
Contact and Inquiries
CP Whatsapp:
Ns Fajrin (+62 82296240580)
Ns Tari (+62 85237892124)