Tuti Seniwati
Assistant Professor


Tuti Seniwati is a lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. She joined as a teaching staff at Hasanuddin University after graduating from bachelor and professional nursing programs at Gadjah Mada University in 2006. Four years later, she continued her education to a master’s degree with funding covered by the Directorate General of Higher Education through the DIKTI flagship scholarship. Tuti Seniwati pursued a master’s degree with a concentration in Emergency and Disaster Management at Hasanuddin University and graduated in 2012. Currently, Tuti Seniwati is continuing her doctoral studies in nursing science at the University of Indonesia since 2021. She received a scholarship for doctoral studies in 2020 from the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP scholarship), the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia.

Tuti Seniwati has an interest in paediatric nursing, especially in children with critical illnesses, children with emergencies, child growth and development, and in disaster areas. Tuti Seniwati is active in conducting several research and community service activities. In 2018, she received a research grant for novice lecturers at Hasanuddin University. From 2019 to 2020, she also received an internal research grant from the Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University. In addition, Tuti Seniwati was also involved as a member in receiving community service grants from the Institute for Research and Community Service at Hasanuddin University in 2023. 

For the past 5 years, Tuti has been actively involved as a Bestari partner in determining the clinical authority of nurses at Hasanuddin University Hospital. She is also active as a trainer for Basic Learning Skills, Character, and Creativity for new students at Hasanuddin University from 2018 to 2020. Finally, Tuti has also actively participated in reviewing articles in both national and international journals for the past two years.



  • Paediatric Nursing
  • Critical Care in Nursing
  • Emergency Nursing
  • Disaster Nursing
  • Basic Science in Nursing
  • Basic Concept in Nursing
Research Interests

  • Children with Critical Care: Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
  • Children with Emergencies 
  • Disaster Areas
  • Children’s Growth and Development
Professional Engagement/ Service

  • Competencies Assessor at Hasanuddin University Hospital (2018 – 2022)
  • Trainer on Basic Learning Skills, Character, and Creativity at Hasanuddin University (2018 – 2020) 
  • Involved as a reviewer in national and international journals:
    • Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare (2023), Category Q2
    • Belitung Nursing Journal (2022 – 2023), Category Q3 and SINTA 1
    • Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal (2022), Category SINTA 3
    • Jambura Journal of Health Sciences and Research (2022), Category SINTA 4
Professional Affiliations

  • Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
Boards/ Committees

  • Member of Indonesian National Nurses Association (INNA)- Unhas Chapter
  • Member of Indonesian Pediatric Nurse Association (IPNA)

Staff Handbook