F.Kep Unhas received a visit from Padjadjaran University (Unpad), Bandung on Monday (11/25) in the F.Kep Senate Room at 09.00 WITA. This visit was chaired by the Head of the Undergraduate Nursing Study Program (Unpad) Tuti Pahria, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes.,Ph.D. also attended by the Dean of F.Kep (Prof. Ariyanti Saleh), Vice Dean for Partnership, Research and Innovation (Dr. Takdir Tahir), Chair and Secretary of the Nursing Study Program.
This visit activity was in order to carry out Monitoring and Evaluation of the Merdeka Belahar Student Exchange Program (MBKM) between F.Kep Unpad and F.Kep Unhas and the sustainability related to the development of cooperation.
The Deputy for Partnership, Research and Innovation said that “The PMM student exchange program between F.Kep Unhas and F.Kep Unpad is a form of implementation of the sustainability of future cooperation”.
This visit was continued with a meeting with PMM Unpad students and a visit to the Nursing Science Study Program, F.Kep.

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